Oh Mummy ! let me die before you

This is a documentary video where you can see the story about Seti Maya mother of Laxmi who is a victim of Cerebral Palsy since she was born. Baby who is born abnormal doesn’t only face the problems alone, her mother face much more problems than her. Seti Maya spends her 3 hours taking her children to school and bring her back to home. Their life is very difficult there is no any income source except her husband’s salary but it is all spent on their food and there is always lack.

 Laxmi cannot even speak properly and she needs help to do her entire work, her life without her mother is impossible. She often says that she wants to walk, run and play like others but that was their fate to face such problems. She even says that she wants to d!e before her mother because there is no life after her because she is not able to do anything without her and there is no one to love her like her mother.

 Watch the video here: