Man performs an amazing street performance

He is showing an unbelievable and some tri*cky techniques for an entertainment. There has been a collection of mass of people with his unbelievable and stunning act. Everyone is being too much @ppe@l with his act and performances. All the people of that mass is sho*uting out loud to cheer up him and enourage him the more and more. That man seems really capable and skillful to handle his performances. He is showing his best performances from the drum to the handle of children. The performances seems fun and entertaining but it requires much potential than that. He has spended his lots of hard work for that achievement. He is making an amazing tricks with the big drum. He is playing with drum in such way that every other people gets tempted with that play. He is even making his performances with some children. He is carryying and playing around the 3-4 children effortlessly. Normal people will not be able to do that kind of amazing performances. All of us should encourage these kind of local talents and should give some platforms for them. So, appreciate his talent and check out this video.