When people gets angry they don’t know what they speak or what they does here is an example where one of the adult in America did something hil@rious on his anger. He is from America New York and he got her girlfriend nude and be@t his girlfriend on the manhoton street.
Simply he beat his girlfriend making nude in the street.
He did because he found his girlfriend doing message to some other boy and he was compelled to do and even he recorded the video during this and uploaded in the online site.
This video has becoming viral in the online site. In this video you can see a female of 22 years old on a cold she was wrapped in a towel and a black shoe and the boy was scolding her in the Spanish language and he even opened her towel in the road.
He opened her towel and shouted pay the amount of that shameful activity. He blamed her telling that he thought her wife and he was planning to marry her and make a family but the girl is playing with the 7 boys in the other side so he did this in the anger.
He even warned that he will post the video on online. The man who did this is Jason Melo. He is now caught by the police and other procedure is going on.