Allahabad: Girl beats eve-teaser with slipper

India police arrested five people on Thursday (Feb 4) over an enraged mob’s attack on a Tanzanian student who was beaten, her shirt ripped off and car set ablaze in the city of Bangalore.Tanzanian High Commissioner John W H Kijazi said he has urged the Indian government to step up security for all African students in Bangalore in the wake of the attack. “They are really disappointed, frustrated and scared actually,” the commissioner told the CNN-IBN network of the students.India Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj branded the attack “shameful” and demanded swift justice for those responsible, as she moved to defuse diplomatic tensions over the incident. “We are deeply pained over the shameful incident with a Tanzanian girl in Bengaluru,” Sushma tweeted late Wednesday, referring to the southern tech hub which is also home to a large foreign student population. The mob attacked the 21-year-old and her male friends on Sunday night in apparent revenge for a road accident in which a Sudanese driver ran over a local woman who died. The student said in a complaint lodged with police on Wednesday that the rioting mob attacked her car as they drove near the scene of the accident less than an hour later.
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