Most Glamorous Video 2016 first time in Nepal.dubi jane gham holly wood actors Jocelyan Yoon

most glamorous video dubi jane gham holly wood actors Jocelyan Yoon & nepali actors Kamal Oli hot nepali music video first time in Nepal. presenting you the hot and sensuous romantic

song dubi jane gham.
 Staring Jocelyan Yoon , Kamal Oli,kim hye yeon
. don't miss its lets play.
Vocal/Music - Manjil Mohan Karki
 Lyrics - Adim K.C
Director - Kamal Oli
Camera - Kim Hye yeon
Editor - Kranti K.C.
Artist - Kamal Oli/Jocelyan yoon / Kim Hye yeon C & P DACON PICTURE

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