HUNTER BOY 2 'शिकारी केटो २' @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016

Nowadays short movies are becoming more popular on YouTube. So many Nepali YouTubers are attracted to make such short movies and upload them to YouTube on regular basis. But this has also brought a various kind of social disturbance in our society. Even the big media houses are promoting such dirty short movies on YouTube by uploading to their verified YouTube channel. Not to name them you can search and find all those filthy short movies on big Nepali YouTube channels as well.

This is the new Nepali Comedy short movie 'Wrong Number' uploaded by famous youtube channel Coolen Tv.

 Collen TV is the latest YouTube channel for most entertaining Nepali Videos. Collen TV uploads only their copyrighted works and if you have any complaints please inform them ASAP. Uploading their videos to other websites and YouTube channels is strictly prohibited, embedding is allowed. Enjoy our videos and cool yourself here......